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- Aphakic
Glasses - Alcon Standard
Lens - Pseudophakia
- Pseudophakic
Eye - Aphakia
Treatment - Cataract
Exam - Bilateral Subluxed
Lenses - Fundus
Test - Intraocular
Lens - Ectopia
Lentis - Cataract Surgery with
Pseudoexfoliation - Cataracts
Fundoscopy - Jack in the Box
Phenomena - Fundus Eye
Exam - Congenital
Cataract - Lens
Subluxation - Artisan
IOL - Unit of
Lens - Fundus Examination
of Eye - Toric IOL
Reposition - Staphyloma
Eye - Extreme Myopia Cataract
Surgery - IOL Lens
Removal - Dislocated Lens Surgery
with Cataract - Posterior
Cataract - Fundus
Photography - Scleral Fixated
IOL - Multifocal
IOL Alcon - Optic Disc
Drusen - Intraocular Lens Dislocation
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