On Monday, the RBI superseded the board of Aviom India Housing Finance owing to governance concerns and defaults in meeting ...
The product was developed in collaboration with the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and Yes Bank, which will act as the sponsor bank for CBDC issuance.
India’s central bank bought 200 billion rupees ($2.3 billion) of bonds as planned at the first open-market auction in almost four years.
The increase in the RBI-DPI index was driven by growth in payment infrastructure and payment performance across the country ...
Amid calls from some southern states favouring higher population to address disparities in Central funds, former RBI Governor D Subbarao on Thursday argued that population growth is not the solution.
Here are three stocks to buy as recommended by Raja Venkatraman of NeoTrader for Thursday, 30 January.
Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman to present her 8th consecutive budget. Key updates on fiscal deficit, GDP growth, tax ...
The Reserve Bank of India has filed for insolvency proceedings against Aviom India Housing Finance after superseding its ...
The Reserve Bank of India has taken action against Aviom India Housing Finance Private Limited by filing for a corporate insolvency resolution process due to governance concerns and payment defaults.
India's central bank on Thursday said it has filed an application with a company tribunal to initiate bankruptcy proceedings ...