The Assad dynasty crumbled in mere weeks under a coordinated opposition offensive starting in late November 2024. The ...
Before delving into those questions, a brief history of the Assad rule and Ba’athism in the Arab world must be explored for a better understanding of this conflict and the general nature of ...
This failure, however, symbolizes more than just the demise of Ba'athism; it signals the twilight of totalitarian ideologies in general — not merely in their Ba'athist form but in any ...
Syria became the ideological heart of Ba’athism, a political ideology that combined elements of secularism, Arab nationalism, and Arab socialism. Yet, Ba’ath rule did not immediately bring ...
BOOK JACKET.. The jackal's wedding -- An oligarchy of racketeers -- Colonels and communists -- Ba'athism, Saddam and Gumhurriya -- War and empire -- Empire and resistance.