(Ibrahim/14: 48) Untuk telaah ilmiah Surah al-Infithar/82:1-3, lihat pula telaah ilmiah Surah al-haqqah/69: 13-16; al-Ma'arij/70: 8, dan at-Takwir/81: 1-3. Ketika terjadi proses ke arah Big Crunch itu ...
18 Maret 2025 - 09:56 WIB Surat Al Qadr merupakan surah ke 97 dalam Al Quran yang memiliki lima ayat, dan termasuk dalam golongan surah Makkiyah. Surat ini kerap kali dilantunkan menjelang malam ...
Inilah daftar lengkap nama-nama surat dalam Al-Quran beserta arti dan jumlah ayatnya. Mulai dari Al Fatihah sampai surah An ...
ODM leader Raila Odinga charmed the Muslim faithful during an Iftar gathering Wednesday night in Nairobi. Addressing the attendees, Raila said he understands all Islamic teachings since he has read ...
Surah Al-Maryam, more commonly and popularly known by the simple name 'Mary,' is among the most astonishing deep emotional surahs that recount specific miracles from Prophets and the very strong ...
Today on The Stream: We examine why so many people of Gen Z age are choosing farm life over city dwellings.
These were the updates on Israel’s war on Gaza for Friday, March 21.