Em estudo, línguas fictícias como klingon, de Star Trek, e alto valiriano, de Game of Thrones, ativaram as mesmas redes ...
Maria João Cruz, Guilherme Fonseca, George Carlin e Jerry Seinfeld podiam até entrar num bar. Mas a piada era má, porque a ...
Star Trek has always been a franchise built on big ideas. It pushed boundaries from the start and it kept raising the bar with every series and film. But not every bold idea made it to the screen.
The Final Frontier truly took the USS Enterprise where no man as gone before, and its legacy is being continued in a ...
Star Trek: Starfleet Academy is set to introduce fans to the next generation of Starfleet hopefuls and their adventures, but a recent comment by a longtime franchise creator and producer reveals that ...
Da Blue Origin à Space Perspective, empresas de diferentes portes brigam por uma fatia desse mercado, que pode movimentar US$ ...