It happened at a gender reveal party. News 8 spoke with the people behind it, as well as one of the neighbors it spooked. The Wolgemuths are soon to be a family of four with a baby due in May.
when a billowing blue fireball briefly swallowed him up during a gender reveal gone wrong. Fortunately, the father was only singed by the explosion and suffered minor burns. Separately ...
Drake, who’s dominated the small screen, fashion and music, can now add gender reveal presenter to his illustrious résumé ...
Watch However, not all gender reveal blunders are taken lightly ... Tannerite mixed with blue chalk dust during an outdoor reveal. The explosion was reportedly felt miles away in Massachusetts ...
Not all gender reveal accidents are taken lightly. In 2021, New Hampshire's Anthony Spinelli faced disorderly conduct charges after triggering an explosion with 80 pounds of Tannerite and blue ...
THIS is the disastrous moment a gender reveal party was sent into chaos as the “dry ice” forced everyone to evacuate the home. UK-based Amy Hamer, 30, had set up a camera to capture the ...