So, guys, nice bonnethead shark. A female -- you can tell 'cause ... I think that's an adult finetooth. Boy, hooked perfectly. -These circle hooks are great for that. Look at the teeth on that.
As the recreational fishery chips away at shark populations outside the boundaries of scientists’ data books — and as a new ...
A surfer who was attacked by a shark off the coast of Australia on Monday is presumed dead, police said Tuesday. Officials received reports of the attack around 12:10 p.m. local time on Monday ...
The biggest, most formidable shark to have ever roamed the ocean may have been even larger than previously thought, according to a new study. The research, published Sunday in the journal “ ...
What’s more, he and his coauthors posit that megalodon was slenderer than previously thought, closer in build to a sleek lemon shark than a chunky great white, according to the study published ...
A tiny shark species dating back hundreds of millions of years has been identified at Mammoth Cave National Park in Kentucky, the National Park Service announced Monday. The identification was ...
The Shark CryGlow mask not only offers blue, red, and infrared light but it's also equipped with cooling metal under-eye pads that deeply chill the skin under the eye to reduce inflammation.
New Zealander Steven Payne, 37, was killed by a shark while surfing with his partner at Wharton Beach on the south west coast. Mr Payne was in chest-deep water about 50 metres from shore when the ...
The harrowing scream of a man in his 30s cleared swimmers in a Western Australian beach Monday and authorities are still searching for the surfer after he was attack by a shark. The unidentified ...