It aims to be an all-in-one viewer for most common file formats used in scientific documentation, such as PDF, TIFF, DjVu, XPS, JBIG2, WWF, FB2, TXT, TCR, PalmDoc(PDB), MOBI, AZW, EPub ...
Edit your ~/.config/vifm/vifmrc file and add fileviewer properties like so: fileviewer *.pdf \ vifmimg pdf %px %py %pw %ph %c \ %pc \ vifmimg clear fileviewer *.djvu \ vifmimg djvu %px %py %pw %ph %c ...
DjVuReader is a lightweight and efficient viewer for DjVu files, designed for seamless reading and document management.
The Internet Archive files are listed 01 (for January) to 12 (for December). If the twelve files are not visible, click on the Viewable files icon on the left hand side of the webpage. The List of ...
The general research topic, goals and objectives of the planned work, theoretical and practical significance are specified. The most famous and authoritative publications on the topic under study are ...