Blade Runner follows Deckard (Ford), a Blade Runner who must pursue and terminate four escaped Replicants who stole a ship in ...
The Big Bang Theory recruited James Earl Jones and Carrie Fisher as guest stars, but one Star Wars actor turned the show down ...
Blade Runner and Alien director Ridley Scott is what people like me have instead of church. In Sir Ridley's movies, we trust. The prolific, award-winning English director is the man behind sci-fi ...
The name’s Connery… Sean Connery, an actor almost everyone is able to recognize if only for his role as the most famous spy ...
Science fiction is a proud and deep genre, but it has its standouts. Here are the 10 best sci-fi movies of all time, ranked.
The plane crash in Air Force One and Henry Cavill's non-mustache are among the worst, most distracting CGI moments in movies.
These are the ten worst movies that tried, and failed, to be Die Hard. The first Under Siege movie is generally considered ...
This year was great for TV, with plenty of new and returning shows ranking among the best of the year. Here's our list of the 10 best TV shows of 2024.
There’s a slasher that owes as much to Terrence Malick as to Jason Voorhees; a dystopian-future tale that eschews global destruction to examine the implosion of one family; and two movies about ...
Or his brilliant later turns in movies like Inside Man ... Here are all of Denzel Washington’s performances, from worst to best, the WTF to the downright brilliant. What an impressive body ...