Traces the evolution of the competency movement from its origin in mediaeval times through to the present day. Describes the national skills initiatives of the US government in its bid to increase the ...
The document celebrates the achievements and contributions of governing bodies. It also looks at what the DfES’s Five-year Strategy for Children and Learners means for school governors and how ...
Tackling Drugs to Build a Better Britain, a ten-year strategy published in 1998, focused strongly on tackling drug-related crime. The police play important role in combining the curbing of drugs ...
Getting the work life balance right is sometimes seen as a juggling act with time. Janice Haddon explains that it is much more complicated than that. Getting the right balance is about meeting our ...
A report published today looks in detail at the extent of bullying experienced by children and young people living away from home or using social care services. In spite of anti-bullying campaigns two ...
The Guide from the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development is designed to help equip line managers with the skills and confidence to intervene at an early stage to prevent disputes from ...
The Department of Social Security has announced a series of rewards and punishments for local authorities, whose job it is to weed out benefit fraud.Legislation will be changed to introduce financial ...
Thousands of lives could be saved each year by improving cancer care for people in rural areas an event will be told today. Patients living in the countryside have been speaking about how they face ...
The twin aims of the Government’s new health strategy are described as: “Extending years of fit and healthy life for us all and tackling inequalities in health.” Proposals for action to reduce ...
There is a new claim that a move away from grants for community groups towards contracts for the provision of services is threatening the effectiveness of voluntary and community organisations. The ...
Governing communities is about creating organizations to deliver public services while promoting the values of local democracy. Citizen participation and partnership working have become key issues.
2013 is set to be the year that data integration grabs attention of the boardroom and one particular area of focus will be business to business (B2B) data integration says Mikko Soirola, director for ...