Originally, this piece was going to be about how late night makes the news more digestible. My favorite part of the day has been switching my phone to silent, climbing under my weighted blanket, and ...
Aerial Dance Chicago (ADC) company dancers Emily Horowitz (bottom) and Erin Bates (top) dance while dangling from harnesses in the the number “Stacked,” choreographed by Founder and Artistic Director ...
I wanted to move differently. My heart wanted to feel something new. Something softer, something true. I had told myself that if I was still..
Marco Rivera Rosa walks out for his second act in Allen Hall on Friday, February 28, 2024. He performs the Habanera from the famous opera, Carmen (Gia Clarke/14 East).
As a DePaul senior at the Driehaus College of Business, Shuler takes advantage of every opportunity and partnership that comes her way. ReBrewed hosted a Kickstarter launch party on November 7, 2024 ...
Though tattoos may only be skin-deep, their emotional impact can pierce much further than any needle. People seek out tattoos for many reasons, whether it’s out of love for someone’s art style, a ...
Today, the mental health benefits of psychedelics are being explored for drugs like LSD, MDMA and psilocybin — the psychoactive substance in magic mushrooms. The problem is these are Schedule I drugs, ...
All of us, when we experience anything, the way we feel, the way we see things through different lenses: it’s all shaped by our previous lives. The books, the movies, the people we cross paths with, ...