We’re living in a golden age of young-adult literature ... of our best writers to contribute to the genre. To honor the best books for young adults and children, TIME compiled this survey ...
YA novels continue to appeal to readers of all ages, and some film/tv adaptations are better than the books that inspired ...
As the movie adaptation of John Green’s young-adult fiction novel ... teenage and adult fans of the book have reignited a debate on the merits of the genre, termed “YA fiction” for short.
The Fault in Our Stars, The Hunger Games, and The Outsiders are some of the most influential teen storylines adapted from ...
But there are concerns in some quarters that the new adult genres “dumb down” literature and encourage young readers toward less serious works. 10 books that will get you out of a reading ...
“When we talk about books we want to acquire, there are so many young women on our team—marketing, publicity, design, editorial—who are fans of this [new adult] genre,” she said.