Oasis, Extinction Event and A Life

About 252 million years ago, 80 to 90 percent of life on Earth was wiped out. In the Turpan-Hami Basin, life persisted and ...
Sandwiched between the freezing cold of Earth’s coldest continent and the warmth of its southernmost active volcano, the ...
Even by the standards of Io, the most volcanic celestial body in the solar ... six times the total energy of all the world's power plants. The discovery of this massive feature comes courtesy ...
Plants were also hit by the extinction ... Samuel Bowring of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have dated volcanic ash in Chinese sediments laid down during the extinction.
This prospect raises concerns that the pumice pebbles could affect the operations of nuclear power plants, which take in seawater to cool reactors. “When a submarine volcano erupts, a nuclear po ...
this global-scale volcanic activity spewed so much gas, ash, and dust into the atmosphere that it kept sunlight from reaching Earth's surface. Temperature and plant production plummeted ...