The Trentino region of Italy may be unknown to many tourists but Ralph Blackburn discovered a territory bristling with beauty ...
Mountain landscapes, thermal spas, a German-speaking majority inside an autonomous Italian region? This slice of Europe is ...
Trentino is a peculiar corner of northern Italy. When lumped together with its northern, even-more-Germanic neighbour South ...
Trento, in Northern Italy, is an Alpine gem where medieval charm meets world-class wine and stunning mountain scenery.
Mezzacorona, a leading Italian wine producer from Trentino with over 120 years of history, has selected Colangelo & Partners, ...
The Daone Valley is located in the Trentino region of the famous Adamello massif, more precisely it is a side valley of Valle del Chiese; the source of river Chiese is the Adamello glacier and it ...
A new sports climbing crag has been added to Arco and the Garda Trentino region. During the year in which Arco hosted the World Youth Climbing Championships, it is logical that a crag has been created ...