The Croods is an animated comedy-adventure film that follows a prehistoric family as they navigate a changing world. The movie garnered positive reviews for its vibrant animation, humorous ...
"The Croods" are an eccentric family of cavemen, who survive the harsh terrain by living accordingly to a strict set of rules. But when their home is destroyed in the wake of an impending disaster ...
Chris Sanders is no stranger to the Best Animated Feature Oscar nomination. Every animated feature he has directed -- "Lilo & ...
Caveheart - Part II: Hwam returns with news of a utopian cave community, accidentally reigniting the argument between the Croods and the Bettermans. (S2, ep 26) We ...
It’s another high point in the career of Colorado-born director Chris Sanders, known for a string of animated hits such as “Lilo and Stitch” (more on that below), “The Croods,” and ...
G The Croods and Bettermans take in Malachi, Gran's longtime enemy, until his broken wing heals, but Eep is unsure if he can be trusted. 22:06 Season 2, Episode 10 ...