The Quiet Ones is based on the true story of a Danish heist in 2008, but the characters and their struggles never transcend the movie to become real. Directed by Frederik Louis Hviid, The Quiet ...
Frederik Louis Hviid’s confident but emotionally remote true-crime thriller stars brawny Gustav Giese as part of a multinational armed-robbery.
There are fun heist movies and there are serious heist movies, and Frederik Louis Hviid’s skeletal but gripping “The Quiet Ones” — based on the biggest Danish robbery ever committed ...
Pity Amanda Collin, a Danish actress who cuts a stark figure in Frederik Louis Hviid’s “The Quiet Ones” but really isn’t given much to do. Ms. Collin plays Maria, a security guard at a large facility ...
Inspired by a real heist, this Danish thriller has more moving parts than it can keep track of. By Ben Kenigsberg When you purchase a ticket for an independently reviewed film through our site, we ...
Not yet available for streaming. The Quiet Ones is a suspenseful action thriller depicting a team of ambitious and uncompromising criminals who all share the same goal: To achieve the impossible ...
THE QUIET ONES is a suspenseful action drama that depicts a group of extremely tenacious, ambitious, and uncompromising robbers who all share the same ambition: to succeed with the impossible ...
The biggest robbery in Danish history gets the big-screen treatment in “The Quiet Ones,” a somber piece whose chronicle from a heist’s inception to its disastrous (for the perps) aftermath ...