God speaks to Noah and tells him to build an Ark. Noah builds the Ark and gets it ready for the flood. The children learn a happy dance, then a contrasting angry, stamping dance. They work with a ...
A pair of mice attempt to board Noah's Ark: Vini, a charismatic poet with terrible stage fright, and Tito, a talented and charming guitarist. When the rains come, only one male and one female of ...
After dealing with whales and black swans and two of every creature on Noah's Ark, Darren Aronofsky is going back to the animal kingdom for his next film. Aronofsky is circling a new adaptation of ...
Could an ancient wooden structure discovered beneath volcanic rock and ice on Turkey’s Mount Ararat be Noah’s Ark of biblical fame? That will be the focus of a panel of explorers and experts ...
According to biblical writings, Noah's Ark was built to shelter all the species on the planet to protect them from the coming end of the world. Regardless of the epic nature of the story ...