MS causes the immune system to mistake the myelin for a foreign body and attacks it, stripping away the layers of insulation. This process, known as demyelination, leaves neurons exposed ...
Here's what MS is, what causes it and how you can expect the condition to be treated if it impacts you or someone you love. Multiple sclerosis is a chronic disease that attacks the central nervous ...
Although no one’s entirely sure what causes MS, certain risk factors can increase your chances of developing the disease. MS is twice as likely to strike women as men, and it usually develops ...
Multiple sclerosis causes lesions to the spinal cord and other parts of the central nervous system. An MRI can detect spinal cord lesions and help diagnose and monitor the condition. Multiple ...
Uhthoff’s phenomenon is most commonly a symptom of MS, though it can also coincide with other optic nerve disorders. It's not known what causes MS. Many reasons could be at play, including your ...
Multiple sclerosis (MS) causes a specific type of damage, called demyelination, to the central nervous system, including the spinal cord. MS is a neurological disease. It causes the immune system ...
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a complex disease, the etiology of which remains elusive, but a number of observations highlight that it stems from an interaction between genetic and environmental factors.
Neurons collected from brain lesions in MS patients were found to accumulate new genetic mutations faster than healthy nerve ...
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On average, primary progressive multiple sclerosis causes severe disability within 13 years—including balance issues, ...