are all available for class and campus use. Contact Media Services at 408-554-4520, [email protected], or visit our office on the first floor of Learning Commons. Equipment can be delivered to a ...
Equipment is guaranteed to be operable upon delivery. Should a problem occur, the customer is responsible for reporting it to Media Services immediately. We will not credit the charges for problems ...
Order by email, online, by phone, or face-to-face. Scheduling should always be done by the primary user - the faculty or staff person who will actually be using the equipment - to avoid confusion.
We maintain a large equipment inventory stocked with the latest in multimedia production equipment for students and faculty in affiliated courses. If you are a student enrolled in one of our ...
The Media Commons is a service space that offers faculty and students in affiliated courses access to media production equipment for check-out and multimedia hardware and software for post-production.
Additionally, digital-media equipment and resources may be checked out by Humanities majors, graduate students, and students in courses that require equipment. Modern language media and materials are ...