I cover Hollywood and entertainment. Civil War teams a blue state, California, and a red state, Texas, in a bid to overthrow the film’s dictatorial president. Since America is so deeply divided ...
The Marvel Cinematic Universe represents the greatest feat of interconnected storytelling that a franchise has ever pulled ...
According to Marvel Senior Editor Tom Brevoort, Iron Man and Captain America's roles in the defining "Civil War" crossover ...
Confusingly, Agents of Shield season 7 saw the team travel back ... of T'Challa's father in Civil War is still raw by the time his movie rolls around but, according to Marvel's own official ...
Marvel Studios is putting in “Maximum Effort ... rules being slowly relaxed in the city, Captain America: Civil War and Deadpool 2 will play in select cinemas from June 11 to June 24.
Civil War is one of the most iconic ... The X-Men series is going through a major change in Marvel Comics, and that includes Magneto's original mutant team, which is getting a new origin.
I will say it’s not the first time we’ve heard about a World War ... Marvel Studios Marvel has practically confirmed the rumors on this new team via The Marvels. At the end of the movie ...
Civil War was a brilliant ... element regarding team compositions. Unfortunately, while Civil War condemns and condones with conviction and sees characters in Marvel’s pantheon pick sides ...
and when the two teams collide, you get one hell of a superhero film. Civil War is one of the best Marvel movies because it took the conflict between Cap and Iron Man, which had been bubbling ...