This includes more frequent sightings of bottlenose dolphins in Nova Scotian waters, a species not typically found in the area. For whales, being in shallow rivers can be dangerous. Their massive ...
Sackrison was the photographer aboard a Gone Whale Watching tour last week when a pod of bottlenose dolphins caught her eye, ...
However, while it also highlighted the close bonds between false killer whale and bottlenose dolphins it did not provide many new insights into the nature of the association. Image by Alexis ...
Nothing illustrates our shift to whale-worship more than the story of Billy, the 5m-long Northern bottlenose whale that swam up the Thames in 2006. Billy, who turned out to be female, brought ...
The bottlenose dolphin is a clever, streamlined mammal that can be found in most of the world’s oceans, including around the UK. By protecting marine dolphins like these we’re helping keep our seas ...