A silver armband discovered in a surprisingly large hoard buried in Scotland reveal more about ancient this ancient era.
Anglo-Saxon rule came to an end in 1066 ... by the Normans at the Battle of Hastings in October 1066, and thus a new era was ushered in.
"I turned it over and wiped my thumb across it and I saw the Saltire-type of design and I knew instantly it was Viking." [SPACE] In 2014, a bit of silver in a Scottish field caught the eye of amateur ...
But the treasure pulled from Fred Johnson's field was novel—a cache of gold, silver, and garnet objects from early Anglo-Saxon times and from one of the most important kingdoms of the era.
My ancestors - the early Anglo-Saxons - came to Britain in a boat not much bigger than this one. Are you coming with me? Hah! Go in a silly little boat like that? Suit yourself! Bigger isn't ...
and an internal toilet usually associated with very high-status buildings in the Anglo-Saxon era. Dr Wright's research, published in The Antiquaries Journal, was conducted in association with ...