The US Navy keeps falling short in shipbuilding, with costs too high and deliveries too slow, the service’s acting ...
A longtime naval analyst said approaches seen in Japan and South Korea could help the operations of US shipyards building ...
The creation of the White House’s shipbuilding office could help get Navy shipbuilding on track, but the U.S. won’t catch up ...
"This is no drill. A fundamental pillar of America's security, our naval supremacy, is under threat from Communist China," ...
The US’s naval shipbuilding regimen has been branded as both too slow and too expensive by Brett Seidle, the new acting ...
South Korea’s state trade promotion body Kotra estimates the US Navy plans to invest $1.1tn to expand its fleet to 381 vessels by 2054. It forecasts the global shipbuilding industry will grow from ...
The resurrection of military shipbuilding in the U.S. will hinge on improving wages and benefits for workers at shipyards, ...
China has become the dominant shipbuilder, while the United States’s efforts have been plagued by several problems. Last year ...
A report details how China in two decades has grown to be the dominant global player in shipbuilding, dwarfing the U.S., ...
The U.S. Navy's dry cargo and ammunition ship Wally Schirra, the first vessel awarded to a Korean company for maintenance, ...
Finding and disposing of underwater mines on the sea floor is one of the US Navy's hardest and most dangerous tasks. Robots ...