Learn what scientists discovered about this penguin massacre and why humans likely played an unwitting role.
Outdoor gear, especially for winter activities like skiing and snowboarding, can be a big investment. If you’re looking to ...
The brand— though better known for windbreakers and hiking layers—whipped up a version of a classic denim trucker jacket that ...
People in Seattle love their gear. And because not everyone can (or wants to) shop at our famous premium stores, there is ...
But in its never-ending quest for perfection, Patagonia has given the classic fleece a modern update that it says has been ...
A journalist from California is caught in the wildfires in Patagonia, Argentina, at the same time L.A. faces the same ...
The tastiest empanadas aren't always found in big cities or tourist hotspots. - Hiking destinations like El Chalten (Argentina) and Puerto Natales (Chile) are surprisingly renowned for their ...
Fabric and fit updates are all it took for the popular R1 line to reach a whole new level of comfort and performance.
If you hate the cold and love your money, then this is sort of your thing.
PUNTA ARENAS, Chile (AP) — A humpback whale briefly swallowed a kayaker off Chilean Patagonia before quickly releasing him ...
Drew Zieff is a Tahoe-based freelance writer whose expertise ranges from snow sports in the winter to camping accessories in ...
I'm talking, of course, about the Patagonia Houdini full-zip, which is on sale for 31% off in men's and women's sizes/styles.